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Emergency Medicine is one of the fastest growing specialties, and an increasingly popular choice of careers for medical students. It stands unique among other fields with a focus on the diagnosis, management, and resuscitation of any and all patients that arrive in the ED.


The Department of Emergency Medicine Advising Team is committed to helping you "find your fit" in this sustainable, exciting career. We are available for emergency medicine specific career advising.

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Montano Manuel R.jpg

Phase 1 & 2

Phase 1 & 2

In order to explore and prepare for a career in Emergency Medicine, phase 1 and 2 students are encouraged to consider the following:


  • Take an “Intro to Emergency Medicine” course (e.g. EMED 6627) 



  • Shadow an EM physician or Resident 



  • Join an EM professional society:   

    • AAEM - American Academy of Emergency Medicine 

    • ACEP - American College of Emergency Physicians 

    • CORD - Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine

    • EMRA - Emergency Medicine Resident’s Association

    • SAEM - The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Phase 3

Phase 3
​May – April
  • Students complete their Emergency Care Clerkship Rotation. At the end of the rotation they receive advisors contact information and are encouraged to reach out if interested in EM.

  • Interested students are added to Advising Database in Smartsheet.


  • Advisors host an EM Interest Group Session with students during ICC Week.  

    • Topics covered: EM career overview, away rotations, residency application process, and advising support

    • Q&A time with students and advisors

  • Students that attend are added to the Advising Database.

  • Students are invited to make a one-on-one appointment with an EM advisor.


  • Advisors reach out to students in Advising Database via email with VSAS instructions and deadlines for away rotations. 

  • Continue to encourage students to make a one-on-one appointment with an EM advisor to develop a plan for their 4th year schedule.


  • VSAS opens – Students can apply for away rotations  

  • Students are reminded to register for EMED 8006 (career elective)

  • One-on-one advising sessions continue.


  • VSAS - Away elective decisions are made.

  • One-on-one advising sessions continue.


Phase 4

Phase 4
​May – June
  • Student complete career elective/away rotations

  • One-on-one advising sessions continue.

  • ERAS Application opens in June (email reminder is sent to students)

July – August
  • Career elective and away rotations continue.

  • One-on-one advising sessions continue.

  • ERAS applications are released to Residency Programs

  • One-on-one advising sessions continue.

October - January
  • Residency Interviews

  • One-on-one advising sessions continue.

  • Rank lists are due (email reminder is sent to students)

  • NRMP Match Results 

  • Advising sessions available if needed.






We will be in touch with you soon!

Contact & Questions

University of Colorado

Department of Emergency Medicine

Leprino Building, 7th Floor

12401 E. 17th Avenue

Aurora, CO 80045


Tel: 720-848-6793


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